The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Genesis, 1952.
Persecution and the Art of Writing, 1952. Ch. 1 "Introduction" & Ch. 2 "Persecution and the Art of Writing" (1941).
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 196-225。
Natural Right and History, 1953.
Thoughts on Machiavelli, 1958.
History of Political Philosophy, coedited with Joseph Cropsey, 3rd ed., 1987.
"What Is Liberal Education" (1959), in Liberalism Ancient and Modern, 1968.
"On the Interpretation of Genesis" (1957), in Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Lectures in Modern Jewish Thought, 1997.
"Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections" (1967), in Studies in Platonic Philosophy, 1983.
載於《道風:基督教文化評論》第 14 期「啟示與哲學的政治衝突」,2001,頁 61-99;《經典與解釋的張力》,劉小楓、陳少明編,上海:上海三聯,2003,頁 259-297。
"The Mutual Influence of Theology and Philosophy" (1979), in The Independent Journal of Philosophy 3 (1979).
載於《道風:基督教文化評論》第 14 期「啟示與哲學的政治衝突」,2001,頁 101-120。
"How to Begin to Study Medieval Philosophy," in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, 1989.
載於《道風:基督教文化評論》第 14 期「啟示與哲學的政治衝突」,2001,頁 121-142;《經典與解釋的張力》,劉小楓、陳少明編,上海:上海三聯,2003,頁 299-320。
"Exoteric Teaching," in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, 1989.
載於《道風:基督教文化評論》第 14 期「啟示與哲學的政治衝突」,2001,頁 143-155。
"Three Waves of Modernity" (1975), in An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays by Leo Strauss, ed. Hilail Gildin, 1989.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 86-101。
"Philosophy as Rigorous Science and Political Philosophy" (1969, 1971), in Studies in Platonic Philosophy, 1983.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 102-112。
"An Introduction to Heideggerian Existentialism," in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, 1989.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 113-134。
"On Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito" (1976), in Studies in Platonic Philosophy, 1983.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 135-173。
"On the Euthyphron," in The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, 1989.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 174-195。
Preface to the English edition of Spinoza's Critique of Religion, 1965. Also in Liberalism Ancient and Modern, 1968.
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 226-272。
載於《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 735-766。
載於 Heinrich Meier,《隱匿的對話:施米特與施特勞斯》,劉小楓編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 191-209。
載於 Heinrich Meier,《隱匿的對話:施米特與施特勞斯》,劉小楓編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 212-215。
載於《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 721-734。
"Descent to the Cave," in Review of Politics 45 (1983).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 581-614。
《弓弦與豎琴:從柏拉圖解讀《奧德賽》》,程志敏譯,北京:華夏出版社,2003(附錄二篇:Ronna Burger,〈伯納德特小傳〉;Harvey C. Mansfield,〈紀念伯納德特〉)。
Bow and the Lyre: A Platonic Reading of the Odyssey, 1997
收入 Plato,《柏拉圖的《會飲》》,劉小楓譯,北京:華夏出版社,2003,頁 241-62。
"Leo Strauss's The City and Man," in Political Science Reviewer 8 (1978).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 557-80。
"The Prescientific World and Historicism: Some Reflections on Strauss, Heidegger, and Husserl," in Leo Strauss's Thought, ed. Alan Udoff, 1991.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 379-400。
The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students, 1987.
Giants and Dwarfs: Essays 1960-1990, 1990.
(按:各篇次序與英文版不同;未收原書之 "Commerce and 'Culture,'" "The Study of Texts" 兩章;增收作者之〈對「信」(literalness) 的辯護〉、〈世界公民與政治共同體:《奧塞羅》〉、〈異教英雄的道德:論《裘力斯•凱撒》〉、〈《政治與藝術》導言〉,與 Werner J. Dannhauser,〈追憶阿蘭•布魯姆〉)
"The Ladder of Love," in Love and Friendship, 1993.
收入 Plato,《柏拉圖的《會飲》》,劉小楓譯,北京:華夏出版社,2003,頁 125-239。
〈對「信」(literalness) 的辯護:如何翻譯柏拉圖的《理想國》〉,林國華譯
Preface to the 1st edition of The Republic of Plato, 1968.
載於《啟示與理性——哲學問題:回歸或轉向?》,萌萌編,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2001,頁 55-79。收入《巨人與侏儒》,張輝選編,2003。
"Strauss on Xenophon's Socrates," in Political Science Reviewer 13 (1983): 99-153; 14 (1984): 263-318.
載於 《馴服欲望:施特勞斯筆下的色諾芬撰述》,劉小楓選編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 187-242。
"Modernity's Irrationalism," in After History? Francis Fukuyama and His Critics, ed. Timothy Burns, 1994.
載於 《馴服欲望:施特勞斯筆下的色諾芬撰述》,劉小楓選編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 150-186。
"Leo Strauss and Contemporary Hermeneutics," in Leo Strauss's Thought, ed. Alan Udoff, 1991.
載於 《經典與解釋的張力》,劉小楓、陳少明編,上海:上海三聯,2003,頁 99-167。
Polity and Economy: An Interpretation of the Principles of Adam Smith, 1957.
"Allan Bloom: A Reminiscence," in Political Philosophy and the Human Soul: Essays in Memory of Allan Bloom, eds. Michael Palmer and Thomas L. Pangle, 1995.
載於 Allan Bloom,《巨人與侏儒》,張輝選編,北京:華夏出版社,2003,頁 9-21。
"A Word Fitly Spoken: The Interpretation of Maimonides and the Legacy of Leo Strauss," in Leo Strauss and Judaism: Jerusalem and Athens Critically Revisited, ed. David Novak, 1996.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 515-54。
"Second Thoughts on Leo Strauss's Machiavelli," in Journal of Politics 28 (1966).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 29-142。
"The First Crisis of Modernity: Leo Strauss on the Thought of Rousseau," in Interpretation 20 (1992-93).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 479-89。
"Philosophy and Politics," in Review of Metaphysics 32 (1968): 58-84, 281-328.
載於 《馴服欲望:施特勞斯筆下的色諾芬撰述》,劉小楓選編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 26-88。
"The Problem of Natural Right and the Fundamental Alternatives in Natural Right and History," in The Crisis of Liberal Democracy, eds. Kenneth L. Deutsch & Walter Soffer, 1987.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 337-58。
"Editor's Introduction: Leo Strauss as a Modern Jewish Thinker," in Leo Strauss, Jewish Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Lectures in Modern Jewish Thought, ed. Kenneth Hart Green, 1997.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 29-142。
"Introduction Essay: the Plausibility of the Universal and Homogeneous State," in Alexandre Kojeve, Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, trs. & eds. Bryan-Paul Frost and Robert L. Howse, 2000.
載於《馴服欲望:施特勞斯筆下的色諾芬撰述》,劉小楓選編,北京:華夏出版社,2002,頁 89-119。
"Leo Strauss, The Bible, and Political Philosophy," in Leo Strauss: Political Philosopher and Jewish Thinker, eds. Kenneth L. Deutsch & Walter Nicgorski, 1994.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 171-190。
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 665-717。
Review of Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy, by Leo Strauss, in Interpretation 13 (1985).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 629-64。
An Intellectual History of Liberalism, 1994.
Works in English by and on Harvey C. Mansfield
"Modern and Medieval Representation," in Nomos X: Representation, 1968.
載於《施米特與政治法學》,劉小楓選編,上海:三聯書店,2002,頁 329-364。
"Strauss' Machiavelli," in Political Theory 3 (1975).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 461-78。
"Introduction" to Machiavelli, The Prince, trans. Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr., 1985.
載於馬基雅維里,《君王論》,高煜譯,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2002,頁 8-26;《經典與解釋的張力》,劉小楓、陳少明編,上海:上海三聯,2003,頁 237-255。
載於《公共理性與現代學術》,哈佛燕京學社、三聯書店編,北京:三聯書店,2000,頁 82-105。
林國華等,〈古代與現代:關於 Leo Strauss 政治哲學的幾個小問題——Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. 教授訪談〉,林國華、林國榮譯
載於《啟示與理性——哲學問題:回歸或轉向?》,萌萌編,北京:中國社會科學出版社,2001,頁 30-54。
載於 Seth Benardete,《弓弦與豎琴:從柏拉圖解讀《奧德賽》》,程志敏譯,北京:華夏出版社,2003,頁 193-194。
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 143-170。
收入柏拉圖,《柏拉圖的《會飲》》,劉小楓譯,北京:華夏出版社,2003,頁 263-72。
"Civic Piety and Socratic Atheism: An Interpretation of Strauss' Socrates and Aristophanes," in Independent Journal of Philosophy 2 (1978).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 615-28。
"The Modern World of Leo Strauss," in Political Theory 20 (1992).
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 303-336。
The Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry: Studies in Ancient Thought, 1988.
白彤東,〈Rosen 教授訪談錄:作一個聰明人——與 Rosen 教授談理想國、自由主義、與啟蒙運動〉,宋森、白彤東譯
載於《公共理性與現代學術》,哈佛燕京學社、三聯書店編,北京:三聯書店,2000,頁 106-158。
載於《西方現代性的曲折與展開》,賀照田編,長春:吉林人民出版社,2002,頁 273-296。
"Much Ado about Nothing: Aristotle contra Eleaticism," in The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry: Studies in Ancient Thought, 1988.
載於《理性主義及其限制》,哈佛燕京學社、三聯書店編,北京:三聯書店,2003,頁 27-71。
"Hermeneutics as Politics," in Hermeneutics as Politics, 1987.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 191-261。
"Leo Strauss and the Quarrel Between the Ancients and the Moderns," in Leo Strauss's Thought, ed. Alan Udoff, 1991.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 359-78。
"A Latitude for Statesmanship? Strauss on St. Thomas," in Review of Politics 53 (1991); included in Leo Strauss: Political Philosopher and Jewish Thinker, eds. Kenneth L. Deutsch & Walter Nicgorski, 1994.
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 403-28。
Locke's Education for Liberty, 1984
"Epilogue: Leo Strauss and the History of Political Philosophy," in History of Political Philosophy, eds. Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey, 3rd ed., 1987.
載於《當代政治心靈:當代政治思想家》,周陽山編,臺北:正中書局,1991,頁 206-264。
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 265-302。
載於 《施特勞斯與古典政治哲學》,劉小楓編,上海:上海三聯書店,2002,頁 491-513。
John Gueguen, Memo on a Critique of Leo Strauss, Concerning Man's Final End (2003)
介紹美國學術界從 1985 至 2002 年對 Leo Strauss 的研究概況,非常有用。
「朝聖山之思」網站 尋求自然正當:列奧•施特勞斯與其學派
Straussian.net 網站(含有 Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy 每期目錄)